Leigha's Mom and Dad

Lilypie2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Any Day Now!!!

Well baby girl as reality may have it, you could be here any day now. 32 weeks, 40 weeks, lol in writing that’s all the same considering you will come when you’re ready. I think I am finally mentally prepared. Not to say I wasn’t before, but ME a daddy.... LOL Grant it I think I will be great. A little over protective (I’m Crazy), but cool, calm, and collected. I think I will have you a T-shirt made that will read, " Don’t mess with me, My Daddy's WATCHING". Oh by the way here is a picture of me. The name under the picture has a very special meaning. I'll explain later. Just so you know you're "Lil Beedo" now!!!!!...Daddy

Thursday, October 13, 2005

1st Childbirth Class

Last night, Daddy and I attended our Childbirth Preparation Class. Items needed for class: 2 pillows and a blanket. Daddy wanted his own pillow because he didn’t want to feel the hard floor so we had 3 pillows and a blanket.

The class introduced themselves and voiced their fears or concerns about childbirth. Daddy spoke for us until I chimed in on my fears. I fear the pain of childbirth and watching graphic videos in class. Daddy doesn’t have any fears (well at least he didn’t voice any).

The class participated in an oral group True/False quiz about pregnancy. Daddy was very good and getting the answers. Mommy was trying to have mental control of her bladder but eventually lost and had to waddle during the quiz to the restroom.

We practiced breathing techniques and pelvic exercises. Daddy had plenty of jokes during the class at that point. I won’t comment further.

Then the instructor did the unthinkable. She showed a childbirth video! How dare she do that in my childbirth class? I would rather go through it without knowing what it looks like versus being petrified by my overactive imagination. Now, I have 2 more months before I give birth to think about that video.

The nastiest part was not the deliver of the child but the delivery of the placenta. THAT WAS THE GROSSEST THING THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN! It looked like a stomach full of goop being pulled from "that area." It looked slimy, bloody, and it was HUGE. It was the size of my head. I can’t even properly describe what it looks like. Just take my word for it: It was GROSS.

Maybe class will be better next week…I will let you know.


65 Days to Go!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I am proud to report that Daddy and I purchased a crib this weekend! It was the color I wanted and it did the things I wanted (covert to a full size bed). PLUS, it was $100 cheaper than what we expected to pay. Mommy is really happy!!! Oh, Daddy is happy too.

It didn’t take us long to pick the one we wanted and amazingly we both agreed without discussion. The sad part about the trip was that we drove Mommy’s car and the crib would not fit in my trunk (even with the back seat down). So we called our good friend Tommy (who lives in Valley Ranch – not too far from the store). Tommy transported the crib for us and even agreed to let us store it in his garage.



- Mommy

PS 67 Days to GO!!!

Uncle Thomas

This is Uncle Thomas (Mommy's little brother). He is a very unique individual! However, Thomas and Mommy have similar mannerisms but he is on another level.

Uncle Thomas can play the trombone, baritone, and I don’t know what other instrument(s). He thinks that he is a swell dancer but mommy says that the jury is still out on that one.

You will meet him one day! I don’t know when but you will. Lucky you! (LOL)

- Mommy

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Leigha's Mommy Has TOO much time on her hands!

Well baby girl, you’re almost done… Lol like a Lemon cake…As you can see, daddy has been a little busy and mommy hasn’t…She has posted a million times WOW…But never the less, you will see how we will always be on the go, but being very productive. From all the articles we read, we’re told for the most part you’re cooked but just browning. I’m sure you’re perfect. Your mom and I spat day in and out about you and I have decided I have first dibbs on holding you, no exception!!!!!! (Tuki) Our biggest puzzle is to know from whom you will get what. I have made a bet with the world that you will be my clone. My sister talks about you all the time and is so excited of your pending arrival. So get ready, you will a little star. Cameras flashing, red carpet, the whole 9 yards… 72 days to go, I bet about 60...Stay warm in there baby girl it’s getting cold…Kisses and hugs ……Daddy


I just gave him a congratulatory note and now he must receive a WARNING!!!

Dad has until Friday to post to this website! I have given him a verbal warning and now this notice serves as his written warning. If you fail to comply, I will be forced to put your 8th grade year book picture on this website. LOL

- Mommy

PS. 72 DAYS TO GO!!!

Way to go DADDY!!!

Congratulations to Daddy for helping Franklin D. Roosevelt High School Band win Best Percussion Section at the Battle of the High School Bands this past weekend for the second year in a row!

Daddy worked very hard with the I.C.E. (drum section) to accomplish this feat. We are very proud of him. Granted, mommy was in bed when the competition occurred but I was there in spirit!

I am sure Leigha will hear all about the I.C.E. when she gets here. But just know that Daddy started it in 1994 and they have been winning competitions ever since.

Good Job Daddy!!!

- Mommy