Leigha's Mom and Dad

Lilypie2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cousin Abreah - 6 weeks

Cousin Abreah is getting to be a big girl. She is starting to look more and more like her mom and her mom's twin sister everyday. It is so scary how fast babies change and how quickly they grow up.

I need to invest in a nice digital camera because I will probably take Leigha’s picture everyday. Well, at least once a week and put it in my SCRAPBOOK!!

That reminds me, I haven’t picked that up in a long time. Opps!!


Monday, September 26, 2005

My Baby's Head is NOT THAT BIG

So I missed posting last week because I knew we had a doctor’s appointment Friday where I was going to have a sonogram.

My baby’s head is not that big!!! Thank you to all the wonderful people (my mother included) who have said that Leigha has a big head. A few friends have even said that I will have to have a cesarean delivery.
I told Daddy that if she does have a big head then it will be his entire fault. He responded by saying that I have a big head as well. A few of my friends agreed!


As of my visit Friday, I have a net gain of 3 pounds (lost 2 since last visit). Leigha weighs 2 pounds and 2 ounces. She is also measuring 2 days ahead of her due date now but they didn’t change the date.

I love my little girl, big head and all.

- Mommy

Friday, September 16, 2005

Meet the twins

Kennedy (aka Mookie) - My niece

  1. The only other person, besides mommy & daddy, concerned with Leigha day and night. She always wants to know if she is moving, if I had a good day, how I am feeling, and what I have eaten. She is also my biggest critic when it comes to junk food and it being healthy for Leigha.
  2. Mookieisms – She told me the other night that she was about to put this Kindergartener against the wall for always flirting with her brother. She also told me that her cousin was hanging out (Leigha) when my shirt lifted and exposed my belly. I told my sister she needs to write a book about mookieisms.

Kendall (aka Baby Cakes or Big K)- My nephew

  1. Innocence - He has this innocence to him that is so adoring at first. But when you see his other side, you still remember that he is so sweet and kind and loves his Auntie very much. He also loves Leigha very much. Every time I see him, he runs to me, rubs my belly, and says BABY in a voice that would have appeared as a character on Fat Albert.
  2. Athleticism - I have never seen such a reserved person explode during sports. He is an AWESOME soccer player. I hope that he remembers his favorite person in the world when he signs a Gatorade contract at 10.

I love them both dearly like they are my own. They expect to see me at their games. They have even told me that they want me to drag Leigha there too.

Monday, September 12, 2005


This is your future best friend/cousin Abreah at 4 weeks. Ya'll are going to be only a few months apart. Your dad is holding her and playing with his new $2000 phone! No comment on the latter statement!!!

- Mommy

Preparing for Ms. Leigha...

Mommy and Daddy were SUPPOSED to window shop for bedding this past Sunday but we were unable to pass up the Snoopy & Family baby bedding for Leigha.

We purchased the 6 piece set (includes: comforter, bumper, fitted sheet, diaper stacker, valance, and bedskirt), mobile, wall border, a musical Snoopy, and a snoopy blanket. The Burlington we visited didn't have the wall hangings or the lamp or else we would have picked those up too. So, I just put them on our registry today and hope that someone will go to a Burlington that stocks them (actually, they had the lamp but the only one available was the floor model which was broken).

Daddy wants to buy the crib and other furniture within the next few weeks. He is so excited! I am as well. I am so ready to laugh at daddy as he tries to put the crib together. I put a few up together several years ago but I am NOT saying that I am a professional.

Can't wait to see you baby girl,

Friday, September 09, 2005

98 days and counting


Waiting for you is like waiting for Christmas. In January you know what you want but you know you can't have it till Christmas. Funny thing is, you will be that toy that will never be forgotten. Surely not something we can place in a old box in the closet.

Till Then Daddy !


My wonderful coworkers have “motivated” me to write this week’s blog. So I will begin this message with a shout out to them and a special shout out to Susan for helping the html challenged (me) put the ticker up.

Thoughts for the week:

Glad that dad is back from his sabbatical. I didn’t want him to go to Houston in wake of the flood of victims of Hurricane Katrina but we are just going to say that he is back with us happier and more importantly, unscathed.

I was very sick Monday night and all day Tuesday. I am glad that I already used baby wipes for my “personal needs” or else I would have had another issue arise from my sickness (TMI – he he). But I did manage to scrub my bathroom sink free from the stain of vomited fruit cocktail. I am so not looking forward to the kid germs that Leigha will bring home. For some reason,

Leigha is moving a lot less. I think she is running out of room. When she kicks, it hurts but I am happy that I feel her move at all.

Dad wants to go see a scary movie tonight. I told him that it might make me go into labor. SO, if I am not heard from just leave your congratulatory notes!

Wow, when I created the ticker I had no idea how many days I had left. At one point, Dad would give me a daily countdown but I told him to stop because the 210 days and 197 days were not that encouraging. But as of this post, 99 days left!!! I am truly overjoyed. I am 6 ½ months pregnant!!! (Yes, I love exclamation points!J)

Ok, that is enough until next week. I hope everyone has a great weekend!